This animal has a gold difficulty rating. A score of 1902 is a minor gold trophy for a red deer. This animal has a trophy rating of 127 out of a possible 100.

This animal has a silver difficulty rating. A minor silver trophy red deer has been rated 1262, which is a very good score. It has a rating of trivial based on the difficulty of the trophy. This species was rated with a trophy rating of 43 points. This animal’s difficulty level is Bronze. The Diamond Whitetail: A Trivial TrophyĪ diamond whitetail has a rating of 422, making it one of the most trivial Bronze trophies. In Wisconsin, the dominant deer are the fallow deer, an herbivore that prefers to graze on woodlands and open fields. The average size of a buck ranges from 60 to 100 kilograms (130 to 220 pounds), with no antlers and typically weighing between 30 and 50 kilograms (60 to 110 pounds). Jordan, who is only 22 years old, set a Wisconsin record when he killed the state’s largest buck. In November of 1914, he shot and killed a deer with a rifle. Jim Jordan of Burnett County, Wisconsin, set a new record for the largest buck ever shot in Wisconsin. There is no such thing as a score for a diamond red deer. No, a level 3 whitetail is not a diamond. It is not as common as other deer in New Zealand, but Fallow Deer are worth hunting and can be found in a variety of areas. A feild deer can only be shot if it is a Level 5 animal, which means it must have a score of 251.7 or higher. It is possible, however, to find them in a variety of habitats as well as a wide range of locations throughout New Zealand. The fact that fallow deer are large and impressive creatures that can pose a threat to humans if startled or approached too closely should not be overlooked. They are members of the deer family, which means they have the same characteristics and habits as other deer. We should pay attention to the fallow deer because they are among the most fascinating animals on the planet.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual hunter to decide what diamond is best for whitetail deer in Hunter Call of the Wild. Some hunters may prefer to use a certain type of diamond for specific purposes, such as for tracking or for taking down large game, while others may simply prefer the diamond that provides the best value for their money. There is no one definitive answer to this question, as different hunters may have different opinions on what diamond is best for whitetail deer in Hunter Call of the Wild.