If the student makes a total up front payment for all their HECS-HELP eligible units of study on a given census date of greater than or equal to $500 and less than 80% of the Amount charged (E384), the value for the total HElp loan amount (E558) must equal the total Amount charged (E384) – the total Amount Paid up front (E381) divided by 0.8 for all those units of study. Calculating the Unit of study HELP debt prior to 1 January 2012 If the student makes a total up front payment of less than $500 for all their HECS-HELP eligible units of study on a given census date, the value for the HELP loan amount (E558) must equal the Amount charged (E384) – Amount paid up front (E381).

If the student makes a total up front payment for all their HECS-HELP eligible units of study on a given census date of greater than or equal to $500 and less than 90% of the Amount charged (E384), the value for the total Loan amount (E558) must equal the total Amount charged (E384) – the total Amount paid up front (E381) divided by 0.9 for all those units of study. Calculating the HECS-HELP debt for a unit of study between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2016 If the student makes a total up front payment of less than $500 for all their HECS-HELP eligible units of study on a given census date, the value for the HELP loan amount (E558) must equal the Amount charged (E384) minus Amount paid up front (E381).

The Excel formula for calculating Loan Amount (E558) would be "=E384-(E381/0.9)". If the student makes a total up front payment for all their HECS-HELP eligible units of study on a given census date of greater than or equal to $500 and less than 90% of the Amount charged (E384), the value for the total Loan amount (E558) must equal the total Amount charged (E384) minus the total Amount paid up front (E381) divided by 0.9 to be applied to each unit of study. Calculating the HECS-HELP debt for a unit of study on or after 1 January 2021